So I've finished the Harry Potter series and I'm slightly disappointed in the movies, but that's how it usually always is with the book going to the movie. The picture in my head of the story just doesn't add up with what is on the screen.
So now that HP is officially read, I am now reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Don't worry, its the more than complete one. Pretty awesome book so far. Not the best book to read while running lights for a show though. I almost busted out laughing when Eddie the computer started singing You'll Never Walk Alone.
"Impact minus twenty seconds, guys..." said the computer.
"Then turn the bloody engines back on!" bawled Zaphod.
"Oh, sure thing, guys," said the computer. With a subtle roar the engines cut back in, the ship smoothly flattened out of its dive and headed back toward the missiles again.
The computer started to sing.
"'When you walk through the storm...'" it whined nasally, "hold your head up high...'"
-Quote from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams (read it!)
Kinda loving this song in this moment right now. The color in the music video is kinda trippy.
Half the time when you're watching it actually seems like they are saying legit words! I sometimes have trouble understanding people because I hear the sounds that they are making and it doesn't register as words. I blame it on the fact that I've been to so many different countries where I don't understand the language.
I have a delayed Harry Potter obsession. I did not start the first book until the beginning of this semester AFTER seeing the last movie. I probably would view Snape differently if I had not seen the movies. I can't seem to hate him with as much passion as Harry. I cried when I learned about Snape and Lily in the movie. I've been reading as fast as I can just to get to that chapter. Talk about motivation.
I find it rather interesting that Alan Rickman played a similar role in Sense and Sensibility as Colonel Brandon. He is absolutely wonderful in that role. Also as a person he has a mystery about him which is so intriguing.
The role of the silent lover is so beautiful to me. For a person to love without any knowledge of being loved in return within literature is "terribly romantic."
I watched Sarah Kay on TED and I have been inspired. Spoken poetry sounds amazing! There is something about the spoken word so different from the written word. The written word has room for interpretation. This is why texting sometimes drives me a little nuts. You never know if someone is being sarcastic or not. The voice of a person carries an emotion along with the words. Taking speech class and being around a ton of actors has taught me the importance of inflection on certain words. The same phrase can mean many things if said differently. Poetry has had a reputation on being very emotional. How can it not be when the people who write it are so damn emotional? An English teacher of mine recommended reading poems out loud in order to understand them better, and not just once but many times. The more I said the words out loud, the more I understood them. Sarah mentions within the clip from TED that spoken poetry incorporated her two loves: poetry and theatre. I live in the world of theatre every day and know firsthand how people can be influenced by what is said on stage. I don't claim to know everything about theatre, because who can fully know an art that dates all the way back to the Greeks? Though I believe that a catharsis happens to the audience when they both hear and see. Shakespeare is universally known as an amazing playwright by those in the theatre profession to those who have no knowledge of the master except, "to be or not to be, that is the question." The flow of poetry has a wondrous effect on people. A person will remember poetry. This is why I find spoken poetry so fascinating. Anis Mogjani is one person who I have somewhat familiarized myself with and I find rather amazing.
I need a horse puppet for a show that I'm props master for. I want the legs to be able to move realistically so it doesn't look terribly fake. Its fine if the head doesn't move. I'm praying that the director doesn't want one this big. The life sized puppet in this clip is giving me a great amount of inspiration never the less. The horse above is the puppet from War Horse on Broadway.
I've always found anything with my name very interesting. Alice in Wonderland is one book that I can't seem to get enough of. Film is also of great interest to me. Being in theatre, I am surrounded by actors and they all act different. Actors incorporate parts of their own personality into the characters. I love how animation takes what the actors do physically and create a whole character from that.